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Voter Registration


The Legal Regime for Voter Registration is established by Law No. 13/99, of March 22, with the changes introduced by Law No. 3/2002, of January 8, by Organic Laws No. 4/ 2005 and 5/2005, of September 8, by Laws no. 47/2008, of August 27 and, 47/2018, of August 13, and by Organic Laws no. 4/2020, of November 11 and 1/2021, of June 4th (RE Law).
The Electoral Census is unofficial, mandatory, permanent and unique for all elections by direct and universal suffrage and referenda (art. 113 of the Portuguese Republic Constitution and art. 1, RE Law).

Universality – The Electoral Census covers all citizens who have active voting capacity (article 2, RE Law).

Unofficial / Mandatory – All national citizens, over 17 years of age, are unofficially and automatically registered in the Electoral Census Database (BDRE) (art. 3, no. 2, RE Law).

Voluntariness – Voter registration is voluntary for (article 4, RE Law):

                a) national citizens residing abroad, under the terms provided for by law;
                b) Citizens of the European Union, not nationals of the Portuguese State, resident in Portugal;
                c) National citizens of Portuguese-speaking countries, residing in Portugal;
                d) Other foreign citizens residing in Portugal.

Permanence – Registration in the voter registration is permanent and can only be canceled in the cases and under the terms provided for by law (art. 5, no. 1, RE Law).

Timeliness – The census is updated through computerized or other means in order to correspond to the current electoral universe (art. 5, no. 2, RE Law).

Uniqueness – The voter registration is unique for all elections by direct and universal suffrage and referendum acts (art. 6, RE Law).

Single Registration – It is a legal principle that ensures that no one can be registered more than once in the census (art. 7, RE Law).

All voters have the right to be registered and the duty to verify their registration in the census and, in case of error or omission, request the respective rectification (art. 3, no 1, RE Law).
National citizens residing abroad may, at any time, change their choice of registration or cancel the voter registration, except during the period of suspension of voter registration (art. 3, no 3, RE Law).

​All national citizens, over 17 years old, are officially and automatically enrolled in the BDRE, through the information obtained through the interoperability of the citizen card services. (art. 3, no 2, RE Law).

The purpose of the BDRE is to organize and maintain permanent and up-to-date information regarding voters registered in the electoral census, being responsible for validating all information with a view to guaranteeing the implementation of the principle of single registration (article 10, no 1, RE Law).​
The BDRE is permanently updated based on relevant information from the civil identification information system regarding national citizens and the integrated information system of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), regarding foreign citizens residing in Portugal (art. 10, no 2, RE Law).
The necessary interactions are also established to ensure full compliance with the legal provisions that regulate the operations of registration, updating and elimination of registers referring to voters residing abroad (art. 10, no 3, Law of RE).


It is the acronym for Electoral Census Information and Management System (SIGRE) which centrally ensures, within the scope of the BDRE, the updating and consolidation of the information contained therein and the automatic registration of citizens, through adequate interoperability with the services of the citizen card, with the national civil identification system, with the SEF integrated system, as well as for residents abroad, with relevant information provided by the governmental area of foreign affairs (art.13, no.1, RE Law).​
The organization, maintenance and management of BDRE and SIGRE is the responsibility of the Electoral Administration of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Administration – SGMAI (art. 11, no. 1, RE Law).
The National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) (art. 11, no. 2, RE Law).
Every voter, as long as they are duly identified, has the right to know the information that concerns them, as well as to demand its correction in case of error or omission.

Knowledge of this information can be obtained through written information, certificate, reproduction of authenticated computer records, internet and consultation of individual elements of the voter registration (articles 14 and 15, no. 1, RE Law).

SGMAI can only provide data contained in the BDRE, to security forces and services or to Public Administration and local administration services and bodies, when duly identified and for the pursuit of the respective attributions, provided that there is a legal obligation or authorization or authorization from the CNPD and the data is essential for the recipient to fulfill his duties, provided that they are not intended for a purpose incompatible with the purpose that determined their collection (art. 16, no. 1, RE Law).

You can obtain this information:
• at the Parish Council;
• at City Hall;
• via the Internet (​); or,
• by SMS (write the following msg: RE <space> civil identification number without check. type <space> date of birth YYYYMMDD example: RE 1444880 19531007 and dial 3838).

With the publication of Law No. 47/2018, of August 13th (Law that amended and republished the Electoral Census Law), the voter number was abolished, with the electoral rolls of each parish (and posted, when exists) to be organized alphabetically.​

Therefore, on the day of the election to exercise your right to vote, when appearing before the board, simply indicate your name and hand the civil identification document to the president of the board.
In the absence of a civil identification document, you can identify yourself through any other official document that contains an updated photograph, or through two voting citizens who attest, under oath of honor, your identity, or even through unanimous recognition of the members of the table.

You can obtain this information in the week before the election:
• at the Parish Council;
• at the City Council;
• via the Internet (​); or,
• by SMS (write the following message: RE <space> civil identification number without check. digit <space> date of birth YYYYMMDD example: RE 1444880 19531007 and dial 3838).

Nothing. Since 2008, voter cards have stopped being issued. To exercise your right to vote, simply indicate your name and hand the civil identification document to the chairman of the board.​


The C.R.'s are composed of:

• In national territory, by members of the Parish Council and also by a delegate designated by each political party with a seat in the Assembly of the Republic, as well as other parties or groups of voters represented in the Parish Assembly.

• Abroad, by career consular officials or, when these do not exist, by diplomatic officials, with the exception of the ambassador, and by a delegate appointed by each political party with a seat in the Assembly of the Republic (art. 1, RE Law).

The census commissions are responsible for:

• Carry out registrations which, under the terms of the law, are made in person;

• Provide voters with access to their data, in accordance with the provisions of article 15;

• Proceed with the printing and final issuance of census and electoral registers, based on the data communicated by BDRE;

• Issue voter certificates;

• Define the geographic areas of registration stations in conjunction with the SGMAI Electoral Administration;

• Receive and forward complaints regarding voter registration to the SGMAI Electoral Administration;

• Provide clarifications to voters on aspects relating to voter registration;

• Publicize information about the organization of the census.

Census commissions based abroad are also responsible for sending to the SGMAI Electoral Administration, through SIGRE, data relating to the electoral registration of national citizens holding an identity card who promote their registrations there (art. 21, RE Law).

In the national territory, foreign citizens and Portuguese citizens holding an identity card, with residence indicated on that document, in the parish of the respective census commission (article 9, paragraphs 2 and 4, RE Law).

Abroad, Portuguese citizens with an identity card residing there, including diplomats and career diplomatic employees (article 27, paragraphs 4 and 6, RE Law).

C.R.’s operate at the headquarters of Parish Councils, in the national territory, and in consulates/embassies/consular posts abroad (art. 25, no. 1, RE Law).

The C.R.'s are chaired by:

In national territory by the President of the Parish Council.

Abroad by the person in charge of the career consular post, by the person in charge of the consular section of the embassy or by the official of the diplomatic staff with the highest category after the ambassador (article 24, RE Law).

In the month of February, the Electoral Administration of SGMAI, through SIGRE, issues the census booklets in electronic format, with reference to December 31 of the previous year, for the purposes of consultation and complaints by interested parties during the month of March (article 56, RE Law).
Until the 44th day before the date of the election or referendum, the SGMAI Electoral Administration, through SIGRE, provides census committees with lists of changes that have occurred in the census books.

Between the 39th and 34th days before the election or referendum, the aforementioned lists are displayed at the headquarters of the census commissions, for the purposes of consultation and complaints by interested parties.

The voter can also consult the data contained in the electoral rolls that relate to him, through computerized means, namely the Internet (article 57, paragraphs 1, 3 and 5, RE Law).

Ensure that interested parties confirm the regularity of their registration in the electoral register and the possibility of, if necessary, triggering the due correction process.​
Political parties and groups of voting citizens have the right to obtain a computerized copy or photocopy of the registration books, as long as they make available the appropriate human and technical resources and bear the respective costs (art. 29, no. 1, paragraph c), RE Law).​
The C.R.’s, the Municipal Chambers or the SGMAI Electoral Administration.​
From the 60th day before each election or referendum, and until its completion, RE update operations are suspended. In other words, no new registrations or transfers can be made, with the exception of citizens who turn 18 years old by the day of the election/referendum, who can be registered up to the 55th day before the vote (art. 5 no. 3 and 4, RE Law).
It is the period during which the electoral rolls cannot be changed and occurs in the 15 days prior to each electoral act or referendum (art. 59, RE Law).​


Registration in the voter registration is automatic for all Portuguese citizens over 17 years of age, holders of a Citizen Card.
However, if you still hold your Identity Card and it is valid and your residence is up to date, you must go to the parish council in your field of residence, and register there in the electoral register (art. 3, no. 2 and 9, no. 2, RE Law).

It is mandatory to update the residence on the citizen card, with the transfer of registration in the voter registration carried out automatically according to the address indicated therein (articles 9, no. 1 and 27, no. 1, RE Law).
No. Enrollment in the electoral census is carried out in the parish corresponding to the residence address indicated on the civil identification document.​
The right to vote is exercised in the place where you are registered, which in this case corresponds to your previous address. Only after updating the address on the Citizen Card will your registration in the electoral register be automatically transferred to the parish corresponding to the new address (articles 9, no. 1 and 27, no. 1, RE Law).
Nothing. On the date you turn 18, even if it is on the day of an election or referendum, your registration becomes final. Therefore, you are included on the respective electoral rolls and can vote in the parish of residence that appears on your identification document (art. 35, no. 2, RE Law).


Registration in the voter registration is automatic for all Portuguese citizens over 17 years of age, holders of a Citizen Card.
However, if you still hold your Identity Card and it is valid, you must go to the diplomatic representation in your area of residence, and register there in the electoral register (art. 3, no. 2 and 9, no. 3, RE Law).

Diplomatic employees and others with diplomatic accreditation can also register with the census commission corresponding to the place where they perform their duties, upon presentation of a national identification card and a document proving the place where they perform their duties, issued by the Foreign Affairs government area (article 27, no. 6, RE Law).
Note: These voters receive from the census commission, at the time of registration, a certificate proving it (art. 34, no. 4 RE Law).

The census of Portuguese citizens residing abroad continues to be voluntary. Therefore, despite being automatically registered, you can request, at any time, to cancel your registration in the electoral register at the diplomatic representation in your area of residence, or through electronic means made available for this purpose by the SGMAI Electoral Administration, except during the period in which voter registration updating operations are suspended due to the holding of an electoral event, that is, in the 60 days prior to the date scheduled for the respective act (articles 3, no. 3 and 5, no. 3, RE Law).

​You can also do so when, in the procedure for obtaining, renewing or changing the address of your citizen card, you change your option (art. 3, no. 4, RE Law).

If you chose to be registered in the Portuguese electoral register, your registration is permanent.

Note: If 24 months have passed since the expiration date of your Portuguese identification document without revalidation, your registration on the Portuguese electoral register becomes inactive.

Registration becomes active, unofficially, with the obtaining or revalidation of the citizen card. (article 27, no. 7 and 9, RE Law).

Portuguese citizens residing abroad can vote in the election for the President of the Republic, in the election for the Assembly of the Republic and in the election of Portuguese deputies for the European Parliament, unless they reside in a country of the European Union and have previously expressed, together with competent authorities of the country of residence, the intention to vote for Members of the European Parliament from that country.​


The following foreign citizens, over 17 years of age, residing in Portugal, have the right to register for the electoral register:
A. National citizens of European Union countries with legal residence in Portugal: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia , Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and Sweden;

B. National citizens of Portuguese-speaking countries with legal residence in Portugal for more than 2 years: Cape Verde and Brazil;
D. National citizens of other foreign countries with legal residence in Portugal for more than 3 years: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, United Kingdom, Uruguay and Venezuela (Declaration no. 29/2021, of March 25, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

The foreign voters referred to in the previous paragraph register with the census committee/parish council, corresponding to the domicile indicated on the valid residence permit (art. 27, no. 5, RE Law).
Note: Brazilian citizens holding the status of equal political rights, who have voluntarily obtained a citizen card, are automatically registered in the BDRE, in the electoral district corresponding to the address shown on the citizen card, being registered in the electoral register for Portuguese citizens (articles 9, no. 5 and 27, no. 2, RE Law).

National citizens of European Union countries, with legal residence in Portugal, identify themselves with a valid identification card and provide proof of legal residence in Portugal through a valid residence permit – Certificate of Registration for Citizen of the European Union or Certificate of Permanent Residence for Citizens of the European Union (art. 9, no. 4, art. 27, no. 5 and 34, no. 2, RE Law);

National citizens of Portuguese-speaking countries (Cape Verde and Brazil) with legal residence in Portugal identify themselves and provide proof of residence with a valid residence permit (art. 9, no. 4, 27, no. 5 and 34, no. 2, RE Law);

National citizens of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, United Kingdom, Uruguay and Venezuela, with legal residence in Portugal, identify themselves and provide proof of residence with a valid residence permit (art. 9, no. 4, art. 27, no. 5 and 34, no. 2, RE Law).

Yes. When registering, the census commission/parish council prints the voter form through SIGRE, so that the voter can confirm the information contained therein and sign it (article 38, RE Law).

The status of equal rights and duties is granted to Brazilian citizens who request it and have habitual residence in portuguese territory, proven through a residence permit. ​
There are two types of equal status: civil rights and civil and political rights.
Equality status in the form of the enjoyment of civil rights only can be granted immediately after the residence permit and depends on the beneficiary's application.

Equal status in the form of enjoyment of civil and political rights by Brazilians in Portugal will only be granted to those who have been habitually resident for three years, also at the request of the beneficiary.

Recognition of political rights depends on the prior or simultaneous granting of equal status and allows citizens who benefit from them to fully exercise political rights, under the terms and with the limitations laid down in the Constitution and the law, under conditions of reciprocity between Portugal and Brazil.

Brazilians in Portugal who are beneficiaries of the equal status can optionally obtain a Portuguese Citizen's Card, which mentions the bearer's nationality and refers to the Treaty of Porto Seguro. 
​​This Citizen's Card does not mention whether the status only includes equal civil rights or whether it also includes civil and political rights. 
Being the holder of a Portuguese Citizen's Card does not mean that the Brazilian citizen is automatically registered on the electoral roll or that they have applied for the status of civil and political rights. ​

Nothing. The granting of equal political rights is communicated automatically and unofficially to the central administrative authority with competence in census matters, so that it can take the legally appropriate steps​.
Brazilian citizens with equal political rights can vote in all elections and referendums under the same conditions as Portuguese citizens.
The recognition of equal political rights allows Brazilian citizens to fully exercise political rights, except for access to the offices of President of the Republic, President of the Assembly of the Republic, Prime Minister and Presidents of the Supreme Courts.​​​

No. The acquisition of political rights via equality status in the state of residence (Portugal) implies the suspension of the exercise of the same rights in the state of nationality (Brazil).​
No. The status of equal rights and duties and the recognition of the enjoyment of political rights are extinguished in the event of the expiry or cancellation of the residence permit in national territory. However, they are not extinguished by the initiative and mere act of will of the applicant after they have been granted.  
Equality status is also extinguished when the beneficiary loses Brazilian nationality, and the enjoyment of political rights is extinguished or suspended in the event of deprivation of the same rights in Brazil as a result of a decision by the Brazilian state.​

No. Holding the Equality Status does not imply gaining or losing the respective nationalities. Portuguese citizens in Brazil and Brazilian citizens in Portugal who are beneficiaries of the status of equal rights and duties only enjoy the same rights (except for those reserved by the Constitution for their nationals) and are subject to the same duties as nationals of those States under conditions of reciprocity. ​
Yes. Brazilian citizens (beneficiaries of equal status only in the form of civil rights or Brazilian citizens only with a residence permit and who do not benefit from equal status) can vote in local elections, not because of the Porto Seguro Treaty, but because of the principles of reciprocity, as long as they have been legally resident in Portugal for at least two years. 

To vote in local elections, they must go to the census office (Parish Council) corresponding to the address indicated on their residence permit to register on the portuguese electoral roll. It should be noted that, as the updating of the electoral register is suspended on the 60th day before each election, they must register in the electoral register by this date. 

Note: in this case, the exercise of political rights in the state of nationality is not suspended.

Unlike in Brazil, voting in Portugal is not compulsory, nor can any sanction be imposed for not voting.​